
Smalto Dental Clinic, is your trusted local dentist in Nicosia committed to always doing things right. Together, we celebrate 30+ years of proud and healthy smiles! A unique team of specialists that covers the full spectrum of dentistry is ready to give you the best dental treatment possible! Trust our 5-star dental services and receive the care and attention you deserve in a modern, friendly and comfortable environment.

Company Information
Number of Employees 1-50
Address Details #1
Address & Contacts
Street Address

Strovolou Avenue 76 , Strovolos , Nicosia 2018 , Cyprus

Dr. Vasilis Vasiloudes (Dental Surgeon)
info [ at ] smaltoclinic.com
+357 99 252 222
+357 22 112 112
Working Hours now
Normal Opening Hours
  • Mon: 09:00-19:00
  • Tue: 09:00-19:00
  • Wed: 09:00-19:00
  • Thu: 09:00-19:00
  • Fri: 09:00-19:00
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed